September Show Results

Thanks to everybody coming for showing, sponsoring, supporting, visiting and helping this season at our shows. Hope to see you again in 2015. Find attached the RESULTs for the Show in September 2014. WRAL-QHAL-PHAL-Team

September Show entry forms now online

Hello, Find here the Entry Forms ( PDF)   and    General Rules, and Informations (PDF)  for the Show on September 20 + 21, 2014 in Noertzange. Hope to see you there. Entry Forms September 2014 (EXE)  General Rules, and Informations September Show 2014 (DOC)

Aktuelles ECQH

Hier der aktuelle Zeitplan der EC   ExhibitorList-Stall information  Boxen_Kreuth_ECQH2014_280714 (1). Die European Championship of Quarter Horses findet vom 9ten bis 17ten August in Rieden/Kreuth statt.  Alle weiteren Infos unter  

YWC- Team Luxembourg 6th place

16 Teams competing. 6th place for Team Luxembourg. Awesome. Congrats to the Team. See more on YWC Web site. Team US GOLD, Germany SILVER and Australia BRONZE. Next Youth World Cup will be in 2016 will be held Australia.